Technical Art


Projects made with Unity, GLSL, and Python


Escher-Like Worlds

In this level designing tool, designers provide custom constraints, including dimensions, level density, placement rules and more to create endless level ideas inspired by the work of M. C. Escher.


Procedural Cave Generation

A Unity tool for generating 3D Cave systems using Perlin worms and marching cubes. Levels have guaranteed reachability from any arbitrary point in the level to any other point in the level.


IK Platforming

Wrote a system for procedural animations so that the character’s feet are always touching the ground correctly.

Created as the final project for UCSC’s Game Graphics and real time rendering class.


Alone, Not Lonely

A first person, spooky puzzle game about a child who is left home alone.

Created as a senior project for UCSC’s Capstone 2021.


Gameplay Programming

Projects made in Unity with C#


Alone, Not Lonely

First person spooky puzzle game about a child who is left home alone with a mysterious shadowy figure.

Developed for UCSC’s capstone course, expected release June 2021.


Glitch Escape

A puzzle-platformer about escaping the astral realm and saving alternate universe versions of yourself.

Created as a senior project for UCSC’s capstone course, 2020.


Seeds of Love

A rhythm game and visual novel about finding love and a love of farming.

Created in association with the UCSC GDA, 2018-2019.